• "To keep the firearm secure when not in possession of an officer. This tech could save lives, specifically children's lives."

    Police Chief

    Massachusetts Police Department

  • "This is great for Officer safety should someone be able to get the weapon away from the officer; it could not be used against them."

    Chief Michal B.

    Massachusetts Police Department

  • "If a gun is taken away, it can’t be used! If stolen, still not able to be used by others! Cell phone manufacturers do it for security reasons! [Firearm] Safety seems to be a smarter way for our future."

    Chief Scott T.

    Massachusetts Police Department

  • "Any technology which can aid in safety is a move in the right direction. If an Officer loses firearm retention, this is an excellent fail-safe."

    Chief Michael M.

    Massachusetts Police Department

  • "This application makes more sense. The weapon would be available to use when needed, in a moment's notice, without having to unlock it. However, to be able to lock internally, remotely, when lost or stolen has great value."


  • "I think it is a good idea, vehicles improve safety with each model."

    Chief Mark G.

  • "Like our phones, always on unless the user deactivates. This type of technology already exists and is proven to be reliable!"
